Fence to Keep Hogs Out: Fencing for Pigs

Fence to Keep Hogs Out & Off Land

Feral hogs are a real nuisance for landowners in Texas and beyond. However, landowners can fence to keep hogs out of areas and off of their land. Fencing can work when done correctly. Feral hogs are a non-native species and considered one of the most destructive invasive terrestrial vertebrates in North America, so it must be done right in order to work.

Wild hogs cause substantial damage to agricultural operations, natural resources, and native ecosystems. They also have negative impacts on human and animal health. Feral pigs cost landowners direct and indirect losses. In turn, lost agricultural production ends up costing consumers, too.

Best Fence to Keep Hogs Out

How to Fence to Keep Hogs Out

When it comes to choosing the best type of fence to keep hogs out of an area, there are a few factors to consider. Hogs are known to be quite strong and persistent, so the fence needs to be sturdy and well-designed. Here are some options to consider:

  1. Woven Wire Fence: A woven wire fence with small openings (4 inches or less) can be effective fence to keep hogs out. This type of fence is durable and can withstand the pressure exerted by hogs. This type of fence is commonly used around agricultural fields and pastures.
  2. Electric Fence: An electric fence can be effective, especially if it’s properly designed and installed. Electric fences deliver a shock to hogs when they come in contact with the wire, discouraging them from trying to breach the fence. Multiple strands of electric wire are usually necessary to ensure effectiveness.
  3. Chain Link Fence: A chain link fence with small openings can also be a viable option. Hogs might have difficulty squeezing through the openings, especially if the fence is tall enough and properly secured to the ground.
  4. Panel or Pipe Fence: Heavy-duty panels or pipes can create a strong barrier against hogs. These types of fences are quite sturdy and can resist the force that hogs might exert.
  5. Height and Depth: The fence should ideally be at least 4 to 5 feet high to prevent hogs from easily jumping over it. Additionally, burying the bottom of the fence a foot or more below the surface can prevent hogs from digging underneath.
  6. Concrete or Wood Barrier: Building a concrete or wood barrier around the perimeter can also work effectively. Just make sure it’s sturdy and tall enough to deter the hogs.
  7. Addition of Deterrents: In some cases, adding scent deterrents or visual barriers like reflective tape or flags can help enhance the effectiveness of the fence.

Considerations and Fencing for Feral Hogs

Regardless of the type of fence you choose, proper installation is crucial. Ensure that the fence is securely anchored to the ground, and regularly inspect and maintain it to address any potential weak points. Keep in mind that no fence is entirely foolproof, as hogs can be determined and clever.

Therefore, using a combination of strategies might yield the best results in preventing hogs from entering a specific area. Consulting with local experts or wildlife professionals can also provide valuable insights tailored to your specific situation. However, a feral hog control and exclusion program should include properly constructed fencing.

The best fence to keep hogs out also helps keep people out.

Cost Share for Hog Fencing

At the time of writing, there is a cost-share program available for landowners interested in fencing to exclude the movement of wild hogs. On behalf of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) will manage and administer a $7.5 million cost-share program that incentivizes landowners and operators to install or repair perimeter fencing to restrict feral hogs access and impacts to land. More information about the program can be found on the NACD website. Applications must be submitted no later than October 13, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Unfortunately, there are no easy answers when it comes to dealing with feral hogs. Fencing is effective at excluding hogs from property, but the exact design depends on location-specific details. If you do choose to fence to keep hogs out, ensure that you construct it right, and right from the start.

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