Game Camera Placement, Feeder Size for Deer Hunting

Question: “I’ve got a deer feeder with a fence around it set up for deer hunting on my lease. It’s got about a 20 foot diameter and the whitetail deer are just demolishing the corn. However, I have no clue where to set up my game camera. The camera does have a flash so I do not want spook the deer, especially any bucks using the feeder, but I still want to get some photos of a big buck that I believe is using the area. I’ve seen him several times in the area. Any game camera placement tips would be appreciated. What should I do?”

Response: When it comes to using motion detection cameras for deer hunting, game cameras should face either North or South, although facing to the North is best. This is important or otherwise you will get photos of the rising or setting sun, when most deer will be at your feeder, and you will not be able to see much. Trust me, you do not want any part of the sun screwing up your game camera photos.

Game Camera Placement, Feeder Pen Size for Deer Hunting

Set the camera at a height of about 36 inches. Some hunters set them lower, some higher, but this height has worked well for me around my feeders and along trails. This game camera placement gets all the deer but also allows the camera to capture turkey and feral hogs. If you set your game camera too low then you will get lots of raccoons and squirrels and even crows; too high and you start missing some whitetail deer.

You did mention your deer feeder pen. If your feeder pen size is too small then that could cause a problem, especially with mature bucks. From my experience, mature whitetail bucks like their space, for a quick exit I suppose. However, a small pen usually means corn makes it out of the pen. That means deer will be able to walk around the pen to pick up that corn, but you may or may not great good pictures of these animals.

You have several choices for game camera placement with your deer feeder pen set up. You might have your best success attaching the camera to a tree that looks at the entire feeder pen, or even one side of the pen. Alternatively, you could use the pen itself for camera attachment and have the game camera face outward. Important tip: Obviously, you will get fewer photos this way, but I bet you will probably have a better chance of of capturing any mature bucks using the feeder.

Game cameras are very helpful for scouting before the deer hunting season. Not only do cameras let you see the deer that are using your feeder, but they also allow you the opportunity to get photos that you can study before the hunt. This allows you to age and score bucks on the hoof prior to getting in your stand. Aging and scoring can take up valuable time when a few, precious seconds are on the line. Proper game camera placement can help you get all the “shots” you are looking for!

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