Sandhill Crane Hunting Season in Texas 2012

Sandhill Crane Hunting in Texas has become more popular over the years. The new license year has just kicked off, dove hunting season is underway and that means more migratory birds will be arriving in future months, sandhill cranes included. Sandhill crane hunting is a ton of fun, so get ready for a good year. I hear reproduction was much better than last year. Here are the 2012 seasons for the “ribeye in the sky.”

Zone A – Nov. 3, 2012 — Feb. 3, 2013, daily bag limit is three and possession limit is six.

Zone B – Nov. 23, 2012 — Feb. 3, 2013, daily bag limit is three and possession limit is six.

Zone C – Dec. 22, 2012 — Jan. 27, 2013, daily bag limit is two and possession limit is four.

Sandhill Crane Hunting Zones in Texas

Zone C Closed to Sandhill Crane Hunting

ZONE C CLOSED AREA DESCRIPTION: Everything to the Gulf of Mexico from a line beginning at the Kleberg-Nueces county line and the Gulf of Mexico, west along the county line to Park Road 22, to State Hwy. 358, to State Hwy. 286, north to IH 37, east to U.S. Hwy. 181, north and west to U.S. Hwy. 77 at Sinton, north and east along U.S. Hwy. 77 to U.S. Hwy. 87 at Victoria, east and south along U.S. Hwy. 87 to State Hwy. 35, north and east along State Hwy. 35 to the south end of Lavaca Bay Causeway, south and east along the shore of Lavaca Bay to the Port Lavaca Ship Channel, south and east along the Ship Channel to the Gulf of Mexico.

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