Food Plot for Whitetail Deer in Oklahoma

Spring is just about over and summer is just around the corner, so most hunters  already have their spring food plots in the ground and growing. Of course, this year has been a year of extremes for deer managers. Some parts of the white-tailed deer’s range are under severe drought while others are under 15 feet of water. Food plots have a hard go at it under either of these extremes, so hopefully your property is somewhere in the middle. Here is a question I received recently:

“Would you recommend planting Lespedeza striata in wildlife openings for deer as a forage and attractant? I am in a mountainous part of southeast Oklahoma and the soils are acidic. It is not practical for me to lime it all. I’m told this Lespedeza will grow well under these conditions, but would you consider this a high quality food plot for deer?”

Lespedeza striata for Whitetail Deer Hunting Food Plots
White-tailed deer will consume lespedezas, but this plant is more commonly planted for quail or dove foods and hunting. If you are pretty sure it will grow, then I would recommend giving it a shot. I would also recommend trying alyce clover. It is also a warm season legume. It can be broadcast at the rate of 15 to 20 pounds per acre.

I would plant these two species separate from one another and see which one prefers your soil, and which the deer prefer too. As with any food plot, it is always a good idea to plant a variety of species in the event one of the seeds you have selected does not perform well on the site. I hope your food plot works out and that it helps both your deer and deer hunting.

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