Texas Teal Season 2019 – HOT

Texas’ 2019 teal season is set to be hot, and we’re not just talking about the temperature. It will rain again one day, but restricted surface water has its upside. State waterfowl biologists are suggesting this year’s early teal hunting season is looking “really good.” The migratory bird forecast indicates that waves of blue-winged teal are headed for Texas. I’ll take that.

“Literally millions of teal are heading our way and growing numbers are already being reported across the state,” said Kevin Kraai, waterfowl program leader with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). “It is looking like the timing of this year’s teal season may be another encouraging point considering the full harvest moon will be on Friday, the day before the season opener. That will trigger mass migration of teal out of the Dakotas.”

Teal Season Tell

While the stars may be aligning for what could be a bountiful teal hunting season, the extended dry weather across much of Texas could be a real concern. Kraai indicated a lack of water now following the wet spring and early summer that hit much of the eastern half of Texas isn’t necessarily a detriment to the 2019 teal season.

“Seems we are always in a pattern of too much or too little rainfall here in Texas,” he said. “We have definitely entered a dry spell over the last couple of months, which is not necessarily a terrible thing for many parts of Texas. Typically, when there is less water spread out across the landscape it concentrates birds in areas where teal hunters tend to be waiting.”

The extremely wet spring and summer in eastern Texas had rivers flooding and lakes way above conservation pool. This unfortunately will impact the amount of terrestrial seed producing vegetation that generates the high energy foods that teal will be seeking. The upper ends of these reservoirs will still be a great place to check for migrating teal despite high waters earlier in the year. Submerged aquatic vegetation should be growing rapidly this time of year and aquatic bugs, essential to migrating and molting teal, will be flourishing in those locations.

Texas Teal Season Prospects for 2019

As for conditions and prospects for teal season around the state, TPWD waterfowl biologists report:

  • The Gulf Coast is drying out quick but freshwater flows into the bay systems have sparked an above average amount of submerged aquatic vegetation currently growing in places that are typically much more saline. Marsh complexes up and down the coast should see an increase in teal use this fall.
  • Further inland in the agricultural areas of the Gulf Coast there are a lot of people prepping for the wave of teal coming our way. Pumps are running night and day and canals are open and flowing. These folks will most certainly see incredible teal concentrations enjoying the tables that they set for them.
  • Much like the rest of the state the High Plains playas received substantial rainfall this spring and summer. Very high temperatures and strong dry winds have really wreaked havoc on the standing water across much of the Panhandle the last couple of months. There are still some locations with clusters of wet playas, but they are receding fast. Definitely going to need some replenishing rains soon to carry this important waterfowl area into the winter.

2019 Texas Teal Hunting Season Dates

The 16-day statewide early teal season in Texas will run Saturday, Sept. 14 through Sunday, Sept. 29. The daily bag on teal is six, with a possession limit of 18. The Eastern Zoned Canada goose season runs concurrently. Bag limit for Canada geese will be five and a possession limit of 15 in the Eastern Zone only.

Teal Season Must-Haves

A teal hunting trip typically ranges from pleasant to downright miserable, but the worst day of teal hunting still beats a day at work. Like most everything, one of the best ways to approach the outdoors in Texas is to be prepared, especially when it comes to the early teal season.

If you’re headed teal hunting, below are a few things you will want to take with you into the field:

  1. A familiar shotgun
  2. Steel shot, size 6-7
  3. Federal duck stamp
  4. Mosquito repellant
  5. “Sweat towel”
  6. Drinking water
  7. A sense of humor

Texas Duck Hunting Forecast for 2017 Favorable

Fall fronts will soon start pushing the earliest of ducks, the blue-winged teal, down from the north. With the arrival of our northern friends we can’t help but ponder the Texas duck hunting forecast for the 2017-18 season. September is just weeks away, so there are a number of reasons to break out and dust off your ole shotgun.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) released its report this week on 2017 Trends in Duck Breeding Populations, based on surveys conducted in May and early June by FWS and the Canadian Wildlife Service. Overall duck numbers in the survey area remain high.

Total populations were estimated at 47.3 million breeding ducks in the traditional survey area, which is similar to last year’s estimate of 48.4 million and is 34 percent above the 1955-2016 long-term average. The projected mallard fall flight index is 12.9 million birds, similar to the 2016 estimate of 13.5 million.

Duck Numbers and Texas Hunting

The main determining factor for duck breeding success is wetland and upland habitat conditions in the key breeding landscapes of the prairies and the boreal forest. Conditions observed across the U.S. and Canadian survey areas during the 2017 breeding population survey were generally similar to last year with a few exceptions.

The total pond estimate for the United States and Canada combined was 6.1 million, which is 22% above the 2016 estimate of 5.0 million and 17% above the long-term average of 5.2 million. These robust numbers already suggest that duck hunting within Texas, a major destination for ducks in the Central Flyway, is going to be great.

“The surveys indicate that wetland conditions and populations of most frequently harvested ducks remain above the long-term average, and for most species, populations were at or above those from last year,” said DU Chief Scientist Tom Moorman. “This is great news for waterfowlers who can now turn their attention to preparing habitat, tuning up dogs and relentlessly watching the weather forecasts for the onset of fall and winter weather that will push the birds on their annual southward migration.

Duck Hunting Good, Some Species Still Low

While total duck numbers are well above long-term averages there are still a couple of species that still are showing no substantial turnaround in population numbers. One diving duck, the northern pintail, and one diver, the lesser scaup, still have numbers that could improve. The pintail drake, a very regal bird, is a highly-sought duck in Texas and elsewhere.

Texas Duck Hunting Outlook 2017

“DU remains concerned about northern pintails and scaup in particular, as the survey information continues to indicate these two species remain below their long-term average (LTA) populations. Both species have struggled to regain desired populations. We will continue to work with our many conservation partners to understand what drives populations of these two species. If science points to habitat limitations as contributing factors, we’ll rely on the science to develop conservation solutions to help restore populations of these birds.

“Hunters may notice in the report that mallards declined 11%, or about 1.3 million birds, from 2016. The bulk of that appears to be related to drier conditions in the Canadian parklands region, where the surveys detected about 0.6 million fewer mallards. Overall, mallard populations remain in great shape, and FWS estimates the mallard fall flight will be similar to last year.

Texas Hunters, Ducks Benefit from Habitat Boom

“Hunters should always remember that habitat and populations are going to vary over time, so we must keep focused on habitat conservation efforts over the long term. Ultimately, we need to maintain landscapes so that when precipitation and other conditions are right, the ducks will respond, produce more ducks and provide us all with a nice return on our conservation investments.”

Although most migratory game bird populations remain abundant, when and where birds will be encountered depends on many factors. Food availability, habitat and weather conditions, and other factors all influence local bird abundance, distribution, behavior and, ultimately, hunter success.

The spring surveys provide the scientific basis for many management programs across the continent, including hunting regulations. Individual states set their hunting seasons within a federal framework of season length, bag limits and dates. Hunters should check the rules in their states for final dates and bag limits.

Duck Population Estimates for 2017

  • Mallards: 10.5 million, 11% lower than 2016 and 34% above LTA
  • Gadwall: 4.2 million, 13% above 2016 and 111% above LTA
  • American wigeon: 2.8 million, 19% below 2016 and 6% above LTA
  • Green-winged teal: 3.6 million, 16% below 2016 and 70% above LTA
  • Blue-winged teal: 7.9 million, 18% above 2016 and 57% above LTA
  • Northern shovelers: 4.4 million, 10% above 2016 and 69% above LTA
  • Northern pintails: 2.9 million, 10% above 2016 and 27% below LTA
  • Redheads: 1.1 million, 13% below 2016 and 55% above LTA
  • Canvasbacks: 0.7 million, similar to 2016 and 25% above LTA
  • Scaup: 4.4 million, 12% below 2016 and 13% below LTA

Duck Population Estimates Mean Good Hunting Forecast for 2017

Habitat condition will be a factor by Texas duck hunting region as the season approaches and gets underway. Often times, duck numbers can be high overall but without adequate surface water, which turns otherwise dry areas into duck feeding hot spots, the daily hunts can be far from spectacular. But right now, most hunters should consider the Texas duck hunting forecast for the 2017-18 season good to excellent for their region.

Hunters can view all the data and get a species-by-species breakdown by visiting the Ducks Unlimited website.

DU Wetland Habitat, Pond Programs Help Texas & Beyond

Ducks Unlimited (DU) has achieved a conservation milestone with more than 14 million acres of habitat conserved in North America. The groundbreaking number is a cumulative accomplishment of the millions of DU volunteers and partners who have been a part of the organization over the past 80 years.

DU’s Wetland Habitat Programs Grow

“As we celebrate our 80th anniversary, this milestone is a fitting tribute to the hard work of each and every volunteer, partner and staff member who has contributed to our mission over the past 80 years,” said DU CEO Dale Hall. “If not for their dedication and commitment to conservation, this accomplishment would not have been possible.”

Such conservation gains did not come easily in the face of ongoing threats to waterfowl and their habitats. Loss of wetlands across North America is a challenge DU volunteers take seriously, and their efforts will continue into the future. Although DU has successfully conserved more than 14 million acres of critical wetlands and associated habitat since our founding in 1937, wetland losses continue.

Texas Prairie Wetlands Project

The Texas Prairie Wetlands Project (TPWP) started in 1991 when DU teamed up with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The results has been tremendous for wetland habitat, wintering waterfowl and Texas property owners, particularly those along the Gulf Coast.

TPWP projects focus on harvested croplands, moist-soil areas, emergent wetlands and other created wetlands to increase biodiversity for waterfowl and other wetland-dependent species.

In return, landowners sign a minimum-10-year wetland development agreement and commit to managing and maintaining the wetlands. TPWP works closely with rice producers to improve fields and infrastructure for water conservation, production and habitat management.

DU Wetland Programs Help Texas

Each year, TPWP projects provide critical staging and wintering habitat for thousands of waterfowl, including white-fronted geese, snow geese, northern pintails, green- and blue-winged teal, gadwalls, northern shovelers and redheads. Local birds also benefit greatly. Resident fulvous and black-bellied whistling ducks, as well as mottled ducks, rely heavily on permanent and semi-permanent wetlands for nesting and brood rearing during the spring and summer.

Many landowners utilize TPWP projects for goose and duck hunting leases and ecotourism. Many sites are also on historic agricultural fields. By working with private landowners to increase and restore wetland habitats, water quality and water quantity, an issue of great concern in Texas, can be improved.

Mitigating Wetland Loss

In the last 50 years alone, the United States has lost more than 17 million acres of wetlands. As human populations grow, demands for clean and plentiful water for use at home and in many agricultural and industrial processes also increase.

DU, working with partners, provides valuable, on-the-ground solutions that benefit waterfowl populations and maximize water resources through the dynamic natural functions of wetlands. In addition to providing habitat for waterfowl, wetlands naturally slow and store water to help recharge watersheds and aquifers, improve water quality through biological and physical processes and provide important wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities.

Waterfowl Management Through Habitat Conservation

“DU’s policy efforts and the hard work of our volunteers, partners and staff will be more important than ever in the coming years,” said Dr. Tom Moorman, DU’s acting chief conservation officer. “DU, along with our waterfowl conservation partners at the state, federal and private levels, must continue with the cooperative progress that led to 14 million acres conserved, and expand that effort wherever possible to meet ongoing or new threats to wetlands and waterfowl habitat in North America.”

The groundbreaking number is a perfect example of how hunters and others with a passion for waterfowl and wetlands conservation can come together for a common goal.

DU’s mission has always been to conserve, restore and manage wetlands and associated habitat for North America’s waterfowl, and this milestone is a direct reflection of that statement.

DU Texas

About Ducks Unlimited

Ducks Unlimited Inc. is the world’s largest nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving North America’s continually disappearing waterfowl habitats. Established in 1937, Ducks Unlimited has conserved more than 14 million acres throughout Texas and the U.S. thanks to contributions from more than a million supporters across the continent.

Guided by science and dedicated to program efficiency, DU works toward the vision of wetlands sufficient to fill the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever. For more information on our work, visit www.ducks.org.

Waterfowl Hunting in Texas: State Contributes for Habitat

Waterfowl and Texas

Waterfowl hunting in Texas is big deal. Each year, hunters across the state chase ducks and geese from the Panhandle down to the coastal plains. But very few of the birds harvested in Texas are produced here. The bulk of waterfowl breeding habitat is found much further north.

“Waterfowl habitat conservation has to take place not only here on Texas’ continentally significant wintering grounds, but also on the breeding grounds that produce our waterfowl,” Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Executive Director Carter Smith said.

Texas Waterfowl Hunting

“TPWD is proud to be a strong DU partner across North America. Ducks Unlimited’s match and leveraging ability give our contributions four times the impact we could have alone. That’s a return on investment we can all be proud of.”

Habitat Work for Waterfowl

During remarks at Ducks Unlimited’s 80th National Convention, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Executive Director Carter Smith announced the department’s decision to award Ducks Unlimited $600,000 for habitat management projects on waterfowl breeding grounds in Prairie Canada.

This commitment brings Texas’ cumulative contribution for habitat conservation on Canadian breeding grounds important to Texas’ waterfowl to more than $4 million.

Habitat Work Funded by Texas Hunters

Recognizing the migratory nature of waterfowl, state wildlife agencies have been contributing to habitat conservation in Canada since 1965. More than 40 states participated this year, and funding comes primarily through hunting license sales. In Texas, all funding comes from the state Migratory Game Bird Stamp fund.

This fund is solely supported by the sale of Migratory Game Bird Stamps, required of all migratory bird hunters in Texas. These funds may be used to support waterfowl habitat conservation in Canada, and Texas has been doing so since 1985.

“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is one of our greatest partners in conservation in Texas and across the continent. They continue making wise investments in waterfowl habitat important to the birds that wing their way to the Lone Star State each year,” said DU Southern Region Director Jerry Holden.

“Banding data shows us a large portion of the ducks harvested in Texas come from Saskatchewan and Alberta, so investing the state’s dollars in this region clearly provides the greatest return for Texas waterfowl hunters.”

Waterfowl Breeding Grounds

Breeding ground habitat work is critical for the health of continental populations of waterfowl, and Texas’ waterfowl hunters understand that. The nearly 50,000 Texas DU members are appreciative of TPWD’s continued contributions to the program.

“The importance of state contributions to Canadian habitat conservation and restoration projects cannot be overstated,” said DU Canada’s Director of International Partnerships Pat Kehoe. “Individual state contributions are combined with other state contributions, matched dollar for dollar by DU Inc., used as match for North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grants and then leveraged further by DU Canada.”

Ducks Unlimited Committed to Waterfowl

Ducks Unlimited’s programs in the U.S. and Canada are science-based and consistent with the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. Prairie conservation programs on both sides of the border are structured to protect native, highly productive habitat while also improving waterfowl production in working agricultural landscapes.

These habitat projects have benefits far beyond waterfowl, including nature based flood protection, groundwater recharge, water quality enhancements and habitat for hundreds of species of wildlife.

Golfer Nails Duck While Driving Golf Ball

Flying Duck Hit by Golf Ball

Want to see a flying duck get drilled by a golf ball right off the tee? Not something that anyone would request — but a golfer did unintentionally connect with a duck flying across the fairway recently, and the freakish ash was captured on camera.

In life, and death, it seams, everything is about timing. The golfer was setting up for a great swing and a duck was simply looking for “greener grass,” so to speak. As it turns out, both were surprised.

The guy hit the ball, the ball hit the duck (both in mid-flight) and the duck hit the water.

Texas Waterfowl Symposium

The Texas Waterfowl Symposium will be held in El Campo for 2016-17. The event is hosted by the Texas Wildlife Association (TWA), Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), Ducks Unlimited (DU) and the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute (CKWRI).

The event will discuss duck and goose populations as well as the various aspects that impact waterfowl management in Texas. All hunters, land owners, property managers and anyone else interested in learning more about waterfowl in Texas are encouraged to attend.

Texas Waterfowl Management

Symposium Details

  • When: April 20-21, 2017
  • Where: El Campo Civic Center, 2350 N Mechanic, El Campo, TX
  • Fees: Includes meals and handout materials
    – Pre Registration (before 4/10) – $45
    – Late Registration (4/10 or after) – $60
    – No refunds after 4/10

Waterfowl Symposium – Day 1

Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. Topics to be covered the first day include:

  • Changes in Waterfowl Populations and Distribution in the Central Flyway
  • Annual Cycle of Waterfowl: Requirements and Managemet
  • Factors Impacting Waterfowl Populations and Migration
  • Management of Wetlands, Moist Soil Units and Farmland for Waterfowl
  • Migratory Game Bird Regulations Process
  • Harvest Data and HIP
  • Economic Impacts of Changes in Waterfowl Numbers in the Gulf Coast Region
  • Funding Opportunities for Private Landowners
  • Water Sources and Management
  • Managing Leases and Hunting Pressure
  • Wounding Loss and Shotgun Proficiency
  • A Guide and Outfitter Perspective – Panel Discussion

Waterfowl Symposium – Day 2

Field Tour on local property managed for waterfowl.

Lodging in El Campo

  • Days In – 979-543-1666
  • Best Western – 979-543-7033
  • Lonestar Inn – 979-543-7833

Persons interesting in attending the Texas Waterfowl Symposium in El Campo can register online. For more information, contact Clinton Faas at cfaas@texas-wildlife.org or 800-839-9453.

Ducks Unlimited Habitat Conservation on Texas Lands

Ducks Unlimited is committed to habitat conservation for waterfowl. For 25 years, private landowners in coastal Texas have been working with Ducks Unlimited and partners to restore wetlands and provide critical habitat for waterfowl and other migratory birds. More than 80,000 acres have been enrolled in the Texas Prairie Wetlands Project (TPWP) since its inception in 1991.

“Habitat provided by the TPWP occurs along the entire Texas coast and provides up to 15 percent of all available waterfowl habitat in the Texas Mid-Coast, according to Gulf Coast Joint Venture research,” said DU Manager of Conservation Programs for Texas Dr. Todd Merendino. “This is some of the most significant habitat for waterfowl in Texas because it’s where they need it, when they need it.”

Meeting Habitat Conservation Goals

Originally developed to deliver the habitat goals of the Gulf Coast Joint Venture, the TPWP is a partnership of private landowners, Ducks Unlimited, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

“It’s important to recognize the conservation investments of private landowners,” said Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Deputy Executive Director Ross Melinchuk. “They not only enroll their property in the program, but they also contribute at least 35 percent of the cost of the project that goes directly to habitat management for ducks and geese on the landscape. Without their engagement, the program simply would not exist.”

Other project costs are offset by TPWP cost-share, which comes from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Futch Foundation, Trull Foundation, ConocoPhillips, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and North American Wetlands Conservation Act grants.

Management Success Through Partnerships in Texas

“The TPWP is successful because of the unique blend of private, state, and federal partners sharing a vision for the conservation of privately owned wetlands and grasslands along the Texas Gulf Coast,” said USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program Regional Coordinator Don Wilhelm. “We greatly appreciate that Ducks Unlimited has served as the consistent and unifying influence on this conservation partnership for this first 25 years.”

Delivering habitat across a 30-county area, the cost-share program focuses on reconstructing wetlands and providing water and infrastructure for managing wetland units.

“Partnerships like the Texas Prairie Wetlands Project highlight the valuable outcomes realized when partners and landowners join together to share knowledge and expertise, funding opportunities and long range resource conservation goals,” said Salvador Salinas, NRCS Texas state conservationist. “Wildlife habitats across Texas’ vast coastal region face big challenges such as population growth. Through programs like TPWP, conservation planning and financial assistance, NRCS continues its legacy of helping private landowners help the land in these essential wetland ecosystems.”

Waterfowl Habitat is Large Scale

“One of the most impressive aspects of this program is the scale,” Merendino said. “We’re providing waterfowl habitat across the Texas coast, which is one of the areas where waterfowl are facing dramatic habitat deficits. Research is revealing that certain species, such as northern pintails, are really struggling along the Texas coast.

Programs like TPWP provide critical, reliable waterfowl habitat in one of the most important and most threatened landscapes on the continent.”

McFaddin NWR Acreage, Duck Hunting Increases

McFaddin National Wildife Refuge (NWR) and other public lands are getting additional acreage as a result of money from duck stamp purchases. The Migratory Bird Conservation Commission has approved $33.2 million in funding for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and its partners to purchase, lease or otherwise conserve more than 81,000 acres of wetland and associated upland habitats for waterfowl, shorebirds and other birds across the United States.

“The first Migratory Bird Treaty was signed 100 years ago as part of our commitment to protect and conserve North America’s treasured migratory bird species,” said U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe. “The funding approved by the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission is evidence that this commitment endures today as strongly as ever.”

Of the total funds approved by the commission, $21.5 million will be provided through North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grants to conserve more than 68,000 acres of wetlands and adjoining areas in 19 states. NAWCA is the only federal grant program dedicated to the conservation of wetland habitats for migratory birds. For a complete list of projects funded, go here.

To date, NAWCA funds have advanced conservation of 33.5 million acres of wetland habitats and their wildlife in all 50 states and Canada, engaging more than 5,600 partners in more than 2,600 projects. NAWCA grants are funded through federal appropriations as well as fines, penalties and forfeitures collected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act; from federal fuel excise taxes on small gasoline engines, as directed by the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act; and from interest accrued on Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act funds. Grants made through this program require matching investments. The projects approved today will leverage an additional $51.7 million in matching funds.

The commission also approved expenditure of $11.7 million from the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to conserve more than 13,000 additional acres at four national wildlife refuges – McFaddin in Texas, Felsenthal in Arkansas, Lower Hatchie in Tennessee and Turnbull in Washington. The funds were raised largely through the sale of Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps (Duck Stamps), which help provide habitat for wildlife and increased opportunities for refuge visitors who hunt, bird-watch, photograph and view wildlife.

“The sale of Duck Stamps continues to play a pivotal role in conserving our nation’s wildlife,” said Ashe. “Although required by those goose and duck hunting as an annual license, these stamps are also voluntarily purchased by birders, outdoor enthusiasts and fans of the National Wildlife Refuge System who understand the value of preserving some of the most diverse and important wildlife habitats in our nation. The money generated through Duck Stamp sales has been essential in helping maintain and grow this irreplaceable network that also provides all Americans with opportunities to get outside and experience nature.

For every dollar spent on federal Duck Stamps, 98 cents goes toward the acquisition or lease of habitat for the National Wildlife Refuge System. Since 1934, the Federal Duck Stamp Program and Migratory Bird Conservation Fund have provided more than $800 million to acquire more than 5.7 million acres for the National Wildlife Refuge System. Good news for Texas duck hunters and especially McFaddin NWR.

Central Flyway Ducks, Texas Looks Good for 2016-17

The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other partner organizations just wrapped up their annual waterfowl breeding population and habitat surveys on the breeding grounds in the northern United States and Canada. These surveys monitor waterfowl populations and critical wetland habitat conditions, which are directly related to the number of birds which will head south through the Central Flyway and into Texas and other states during the fall and winter.

Estimates from these Central Flyway surveys are used to help set duck hunting season frameworks like bag limits and the number of hunting days. The overall North American total pond estimate, a measure of wetland habitat quantity, decreased by 21 percent from the estimate in 2015. While not great, the overall wetland habitat availability was similar to the long term average, and the total breeding duck population estimate decreased by only two percent from 2015 estimates and remained well above the long term average. This means duck hunting in Texas should be good this fall and winter.

Population estimates for 5 of the 10 surveyed duck species increased this year! Mallard numbers increased by one percent from last year to a total of 11.7 million birds, which is the highest estimate on record. Scaup and American wigeon populations showed the greatest increases (14% and 12%, respectively).

Redheads and American green-winged teal populations also experienced increases. Blue-winged teal, northern shoveler, northern pintail, gadwall, and canvasback population estimates revealed decreases in their overall numbers.

“The waterfowl breeding grounds are still experiencing a decline in grassland nesting habitat in portions of the United States and Canada, which is extremely important for nesting waterfowl. Significant acreage has been lost from these vital grasslands from declines in Conservation Reserve Program enrollment and loss of native prairie habitat,” said a state Central Flyway official.

Even with breeding duck populations again near record numbers, Texas hunters are reminded that many factors will determine whether or not large numbers of these birds show up in our wetlands. Fall and winter weather, as well as wetland habitat conditions here on the wintering grounds play major roles in duck migrations, which will ultimately define the hunting season for Texas’ duck hunters.

Get your ammo, check your gear, another good duck hunting year is near!

Texas Duck Numbers Decline, Hunting Still Good

Texas has been on a good run when it comes to duck hunting over the past few years. Duck numbers have been solid despite some parts of the state lacking water in recent seasons, but the coast has held up during that time, thanks to more stable water conditions and good waterfowl production up north. Surface water is still looking great across the state thanks to an abundance of rain during the first-half of the year, but someone turned faucet righty-tighty just as the month of June began. Nothing new there; it’s summer in Texas.

It’s been a land of bears and honey in waterfowl terms, but recent news regarding waterfowl production sounds less than stellar. That’s because water has been limited on the breeding grounds. “A remarkably high number of returning ducks had to compete for a remarkably low number of wetlands,” said Dr. Frank Rohwer, Delta Waterfowl president and chief scientist. “That doesn’t mean good things for duck production.”

Water and ducks go hand-in-hand. Without water the amount of available wetland habitat decreases and that means fewer (good) nesting sites for ducks. Water has always been gold, especially for ducks.

Texas Duck Hunting Forecast 2016-17

Delta Waterfowl:”We haven’t seen a below-average pond count in a long, long time,” Rohwer said. “I think we could decline from last year’s count of 6.3 million to fewer than 4 million, which we haven’t seen since 2003. Dry conditions almost certainly led to a lower initial nesting effort, a substantially reduced renesting effort and lower duckling survival in many areas of the breeding grounds. May and June rains in parts of Alberta, Saskatchewan and North Dakota probably helped in some local areas, but not enough to offset the overwhelmingly dry conditions when the ducks returned this spring.”

According to observations by Delta biologists, and by USFWS pilots (which can be found online at flyways.us), dry conditions were most severe across the vital prairie grasslands of the Dakotas and southern edges of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Habitat condition improved for ducks up to average across much of Canada’s parkland vegetation farther north.

“While the parklands fared better with water this spring, we know after decades of research that nest success there is chronically low, so duck production is often weak,” Rohwer said.

Low pond counts can also decrease breeding population estimates, as species including mallards and pintails will overfly the dry prairies and settle farther north in the boreal forest and lightly surveyed areas. Fortunately, the record breeding population estimate in 2015 and moderate duck production last year should help minimize the declines.

“The total duck estimate should remain strong,” Rohwer said. “Last year, the overall population estimate was 49.5 million, so I suspect we will still exceed 40 million ducks — which is well above the long-term average — thanks to high carryover from several good breeding seasons.”