Deer Hunting, South Texas Habitat Plauged by Drought

The weather in Texas can be hit or miss on any given year, but it seems this year has really been a strike-out in the rainfall category, especially in South Texas. But then again, that region of the state is rarely known for abundant precipitation. It is, however, known for fantastic white-tailed deer hunting. While the area boast extremely high coyote populations, the heavy brush habitat provides excellent whitetail cover and high quality deer foods in the form or browse.

Many of the counties in South Texas can only expect 21-25 inches of rainfall on an average year, so the habitat and the deer in the area will survive this drought, but that still does not make it great for deer hunting this fall. The best way to mitigate for inevitable dry conditions any South Texas property will face is to focus on the wildlife management goals and practices for your property on an annual basis.

Whitetail Deer Hunting in South Texas: Habitat is the Key

First, always think habitat. Good habitat is the corner stone of healthy deer, turkey, and quail populations. Always maintain a minimum amount of ground cover. If possible, one to two feet of herbaceous cover through all seasons is desirable. This residual grass is for fawning cover and quail production. Leaving herbaceous cover for the next rainfall event provides healthy plants that offer the necessary food and cover for many wildlife species. A landowner can not expect to have good quail and whitetail deer hunting if there is no food, recruitment or cover.

The ability to leave standing cover for habitat means having a plan to reduce livestock numbers in the pasture and/or move livestock to irrigated crop land or improved pastures. During extended droughts, you may be faced with removing livestock all together. Along with cattle, keeping whitetail deer and hog populations within the habitat’s carrying capacity will help reduce the potential for damage. By reducing the number of consumers on the land, you can maintain the minimum desired grass cover.

Since surface water is important for most wildlife species, maintain as many effective wildlife and livestock water locations as possible, especially in the hot, dry months. A desirable density would be one wildlife watering location every 400 acres. Although this may not be always be possible, the even distribution of water will spread wildlife evenly across the landscape, allowing for better use of the available habitat.

A popular option many ranches use to maintain a consistent deer population from year to to year is through the use supplemental feed. Though good vegetation through habitat management is best, extreme weather years such as this one mean that supplement feeding will be really important for buck antler growth and fawn production and recruitment. Keep in mind, however, that the ability to feed wildlife (and livestock) may reduce the impacts on habitat, but prolonged supplementing will cost both you and the habitat found on your property.

As far as deer hunting in South Texas this fall, I think we have all seen better years. That being said, there will be some good bucks out there as usual, especially on properties that limit buck harvest, have a good cull buck strategy and maintain a healthy buck age structure. Ranches with good habitat and decent surface water that are feeding protein pellets to deer should barely skip a beat. It’s been a horrible year for quail, but the dove hunting should be good around tanks come September. Send me your reports and or photos!

Whitetail Hunting: The Price of a Deer Lease?

Question: Our deer lease is in a part of Oklahoma that was impacted by the recent wildfires. Earlier this week, my buddy got a phone call form the landowner of the lease and he wants to go up $400 a person! Last deer hunting season, we were paying $1,100 a gun and access to over a little over 1,000 acres. Our lease members went up there on Sunday and the property was was pretty much burned to the ground.

The landowner has about 3,500 acres of deer hunting property that he leases, and about 3,200 of it was black, so pretty much the whole place is devoid of deer habitat right now.What would you tell him? I was thinking that $1,100 per gun is a good price considering there is nothing out there right now. I can not see going up on the deer lease fees until the habitat bounced back, but it’s not my property. What would you do? Continue reading Whitetail Hunting: The Price of a Deer Lease?

Deer Hunting and “Horn” Growth

Question: I hunt on a deer lease in Fairfield, Texas and have had my trail cameras out for about 3 weeks now. I have been getting pictures of some whitetail bucks on the ranch, but their antlers are looking somewhat small, in my opinion. Is it too early in the summer to begin to notice whether or not the bucks on the camera will be shooters come October? I know that antler growth and deer hunting in Texas can depend on the weather, but what do you think about these deer? Attached are some of the buck pictures from the lease. Thank you!

Continue reading Deer Hunting and “Horn” Growth

Deer Hunting, Management in Frio County

Question: I am interested in whitetail deer management for better deer hunting. I guess I am just looking for some advice for our property. We have about 1,400 acres down in Frio County, located southwest of San Antonio. The habitat found on the property is about 75 to 80% thick brush with two good tanks approximately centrally located. Four of the five bordering ranches also have deer hunting, but are not hunted hard in my opinion.

Our ranch is not hunted very hard either, with only 8 to 10 hunts made out there each deer season. In the last 5 years there have been four does and four bucks shot on the property. We have 4 corn feeders on the property and a few small food plots that are effective when it rains. The property was not hunted in the past because of family conflicts, but that ended five years ago. Continue reading Deer Hunting, Management in Frio County

Pineywoods Prescribed Fire Cooperative – Burning Association

Some folks over in East Texas are in the beginning stages of forming a prescribed fire cooperative. The Pineywoods Prescribed Fire Cooperative is made up of private landowners who wish to burn on their own property for habitat management. The primary goal of this cooperative is to put fire back on the ground in East Texas. The benefit will be reduced fuel loads across the Pineywoods, resulting in wildfire protection and, indirectly, wildlife habitat creation or enhancement.

The Pineywoods burning cooperative will be based on several successful models that already exist in different parts of the state and will be run by its members. Members will benefit from this cooperative by on-the-ground training and networking with other landowners with common goals, resulting in possible collaborative burns, access to prescribed burning equipment, and possible cost-share assistance for burning or creation of fire breaks.

Pineywoods Prescribed Fire Cooperative - East Texas Burning Association

The cooperative will be supported by several partner agencies and non-governmental organizations to achieve the mutual goal of putting fire back on the Pineywoods landscape in a responsible manner. An informative meeting will be held from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. for landowners on July 5, at the Texas Forest Service Cudlip Training Center, located at 2127 South 1st Street, in Lufkin, Texas, off of Hwy. 59 South.

Find out about the cost-shares that are available and what the Pineywoods Prescribed Fire Cooperative can do for you. Texas’ burning associations allow members to get hands-on training by assisting with prescribed fires on other member’s property, all the while increasing the knowledge of individuals about the use fire as a wildlife management tool and improving native habitat and hunting.

Deer Smuggling in Texas: Cherokee County Man Guilty

White-tailed deer in Texas have become a big business. Simply stated, big whitetail bucks can be turned into big bucks in the pockets of those that sell them. As with anything that involves money, someone was bound to get caught abusing the system. After a lengthy four year investigation a 77-year-old Cherokee County, Texas licensed deer breeder has pleaded guilty to smuggling deer in the Eastern District of Texas and then lying about it to a U.S. Fish and Wildlife agent, announced U.S. Attorney John M. Bales.

Whitetail breeder Billy Powell pleaded guilty on June 14, 2011, to the felony offense of smuggling at least 37 whitetail deer, over a 3 year time span, from Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio into Texas in violation of state and federal laws. Powell also admitted that he made a false statement and submitted a false document to a U.S. Fish and Wildlife special agent who was looking into the matter. Powell has agreed to pay a $1 million fine, to be deposited into the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Lacy Act Reward Fund, as well as $500,000.00 in restitution to Texas Parks and Wildlife, on his sentencing date.

Deer Smuggling in Texas: Case Made on Illegal Transport of Whitetail

Powell’s agreement with the government calls for Powell to serve 3 years probation with six months of home confinement which will be monitored with an electric anklet. During the term of probation, Powell will be prohibited from participating in any manner in commercial deer breeding. Additionally, Powell must forfeit any illegally imported deer, any progeny of those deer, and any biological material derived from said deer, which would include any semen, antlers, mounts, and cloned deer. Powell has already forfeited over 1,300 straws of frozen semen valued at approximately $961,500.00 to U.S. Fish and Wildlife.

According to information presented in court, on at least four separate occasions, spanning from October 2006 through June 2008, Powell knowingly imported at least 37 live whitetail deer, many of whom came from captive deer farms in Ligonier, Indiana, into the state of Texas and to his “5-P Farms”, high fenced deer breeding facility in Cherokee County Texas. These deer included bucks known as “Fat Boy” aka “Barry”, “Silver Storm” aka “Hit Man”, “Y 009″, “Eagle Storm” aka “BJ”, “Thunderstruck”, “High Five”, and “Primer” aka “Spikes”.

At all times Powell knew that Texas law prohibited any person from possessing a deer acquired from an out-of-state source. In spite of this, Powell agreed to participate in the above-described transactions in which whitetail deer would be secretly transported from Illinois, Indiana, and/or Pennsylvania, to Texas in order to evade Texas laws and regulations.

Powell acknowledged that the fair market value of all of the illegally imported, whitetail deer exceeded approximately $800,000.00, that the value of the illegally accumulated white-tailed deer semen exceeded approximately $961,000.00, and that the value of the progeny exceeded approximately $290,000.00.

Powell further admitted that he lied to a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Special Agent during a voluntary statement at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Tyler, Texas. Powell told the agent that he had illegally imported approximately 35 white-tailed deer into the state of Texas when in fact he knew that he had illegally imported no less than 41 white-tailed deer, including 6 white-tail deer fawns.

Findings of the investigation also prompted the Wildlife Division of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to conduct an epidemiological investigation in consultation with veterinarians and wildlife disease experts from Texas Animal Health Commission, Texas Department of State Health Services, and Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and accredited veterinarians actively involved in the deer breeding industry. This process was carried out in three separate phases.

Ultimately all 334 deer contained in Powell’s deer breeding facility were euthanized to facilitate testing for chronic wasting disease (CWD) and bovine tuberculosis (TB). This process was necessary in order to provide an acceptable level of assurance that neither disease was prevalent in Powell’s deer breeding facility nor in any deer breeding facility that had received deer from Powell’s facility since October 2004.

Introduction of these diseases into Texas could have a detrimental impact on the longtime cultural tradition of deer hunting, which generates an estimated $1.2 billion in retail sales and has a total economic output of more than $2 billion in Texas each year. Disease monitoring is also necessary to protect legal deer breeding activity from risk of disease exposure. Furthermore, bovine tuberculosis could have a significant impact on the Texas livestock industry.

Since no live-animal test for CWD exists, TPWD consulted with trained experts to ensure the most humane euthanasia method and treatment of the animals was used. Many deer breeders in Texas do not agree with killing deer for testing, but there is no other way. Texas Parks and Wildlife officials are presently awaiting the test results for the tissue samples submitted to the Texas Veterinarian Medical Diagnostic Laboratory located in College Station, Texas.

This whitetail deer smuggling-transport case was investigated by the Special Operations Unit of the Texas Parks and Wildlife and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It’s a shame that these deer had to be put-down, but it’s all because one guy broke the law. These laws are in place to protect people, livestock and the natural resources that are important to all hunters, as well as non-hunters. CWD and TB are no joke, but as the numbers in this case suggest, deer are worth big money. Hopefully the countless others that are bound to be out there smuggling, doing the exact same thing as this guy, will get the message.

Deer Hunting, Habitat in Mills County Okay

Summer in Texas is always a hard time for white-tailed deer. It’s just a given. But this year is tough on deer across the state, especially those located in ecoregions that primarily have thin soils. This includes much of the greater-central portion of Texas as well as the Hill Country. Unless you are actively involved in management on your property, I wouldn’t expect a stellar deer hunting year. Reports from Clay County looked pretty bad, but apparently there are some areas where deer habitat is still in okay shape.

“Hot and dry but our place is in Mills County is in really good condition. The creeks ran a couple of weeks ago, so there is water in the deeper holes. The brush, greenbriars and forbs are still looking decent too. There have been no cattle on our 320 acres since April 1, so the little bit of growth that we got is still there. Having no cows has really saved the browse for the deer. Continue reading Deer Hunting, Habitat in Mills County Okay

Alazan Bayou Wildlife Management Area

The Alazan Bayou Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is part of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s (TPWD) public hunting lands. The property is located in southern Nacogdoches County and is within the Pineywoods ecological region of East Texas. The habitat is typically of the region, with the dominate plant community on the area being bottomland hardwood. This habitat type is great for hog hunting, squirrel hunting and waterfowl. The Alazan WMA is located about 6 miles south of Nacogdoches and just 1.1 miles west of US Hwy 59 on FM 2782.

The Alazan WMA totals 2,063 acres and again is comprised of bottomland hardwood forests and old field habitats bordering the Angelina River. The WMA provides excellent habitat for wintering ducks, white-tailed deer, turkey, woodcock, rabbits, squirrels and feral hogs. Call the WMA headquarters at 936-569-8547 for more information on this Texas-owned public hunting land.

Venison Burger Recipe

Venison Burger Recipe: This one's loaded!

It’s summer time, so that means it’s burger time on the grill! This loaded venison burger recipe makes four Texas-sized burgers for chowing down around the pool or on the deck. This recipe calls for tasty vegetables right in the burger not only to add delicious juices, but delicious taste too. Garnish with your favorite adult beverage and enjoy the long summer days!


  • 1.5 pounds ground venison
  • 1/2 teaspoon worcestershire sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1/3 cup diced bell pepper
  • 1/3 cup diced onion
  • crushed black pepper
  • garlic powder
  • salt


This venison burger recipe is a snap. It can be thrown together as you are heating up the grill, or mixed up and placed in the fridge overnight to “marinate.” Either way, it is best if you can let the meat sit out for at least one hour before placing on the grill. This will help the temperature to rise and result in more even cooking. Even cooking is important for burgers, but especially for venison.

In a medium bowl, whisk the egg then add Worchestershire sauce, olive oil, bell pepper, onion and venison and mix together. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, because you will have to anyway! Divide the mixture into four equal parts and hand-form the four generous-sized venison patties. Lastly, season the burgers to your liking with salt, pepper and garlic.

The venison burgers should be placed on a charcoal or gas grill with about medium-high heat. Cook the burgers for seven to eight minutes and then flip for another seven to eight minutes. Venison is lean, so cook the burgers until they are just done, then remove them from the grill at let sit for about three to four minutes before building your perfect, loaded venison burger!

Deer Hunting in Clay County Looks Rough

We may be three and a half months away from the beginning of a deer hunting season in Texas, but the dry weather has a lot of hunters thinking about what this year will entail. Deer habitat across much of the state is in poor condition at best.

The Hill Country is a bad as I can remember and reports from across the state are dismal. In fact, my buddy up in Clay County said it’s so dry on his deer lease that there just is not much for the deer to eat.

Deer Hunting

That’s the sentiment of landowners across Texas right now: habitat is bad and deer are on the prowl. Many are seeing deer out all hours of the day trying to find browse and water. With fawns on the ground, you can expect to see does looking for food to support lactation and their fawns. Of course, with habitat as bad as it is this year, deer are having to more than ever. One ranch owner had this to say:

“Even been seeing them up around the house and barn lately… never have before. They are emptying out the two protein feeders of 350 to 400+ pounds per week— that’s getting expensive. I’d say pray for rain, but at this point I’m not even sure that the forbs and browse would respond in a helpful way this summer. It will take several days of back-to-back or well-spaced rains to soak the ground and sprout the seeds in this heat.

Whitetail Deer Hunting: Clay County Hunting Leases Will Have it Tough

This time of the year, all that will grow is grass and noxious weeds that do not do deer much good in most areas. New-growth grass will help some, but only short term. Rain will help deer browse, but it’s going to take the slow-soaking rains to get the new growth started.”

A ranch with a high whitetail deer density is probably going to look much worse than those with deer in-line with available habitat. Getting new growth browse will not happen where deer exceed the carrying capacity of the land. The landowner located in Clay County told me that what he fed in supplemental protein pellets all of last year is the same as what he fed in the first six months of this year.

It’s not looking good for deer this fall for antler growth, overall body condition or as far as fawn production. With habitat in poor condition, fawn numbers will be down this year but I suspect deer will be hitting feeders hard, increasing the number of whitetail seen while deer hunting this year over last season. I’d suggest that landowners and lease hunters perform at least some type of deer surveys to estimate the whitetail population and prevent over-harvest, because it may take a while to bounce back.