Texas Big Game Awards Banquets: When & Where

Texas Big Awards Program

White-tailed deer hunters can show enter their big game harvest in this year’s Texas Big Game Awards program and give the animal and their land management program the recognition it deserves. The program is accepting entries now through March 1, 2016.

Celebrating its 25th year, the Texas Big Game Awards is a partnership of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the Texas Wildlife Association recognizing the contributions landowners, land managers and responsible hunters make to managing and conserving wildlife and wildlife habitat on Texas’ private lands.

Texas Big Game Awards promote awareness about wildlife management and the role that hunting plays in habitat conservation, and to foster cooperation among stakeholders who ensure that our state’s wildlife habitat is conserved forever.

Enter the Big Game Awards

Hunters who harvest a white-tailed deer, mule deer, javelina, or pronghorn antelope this season meeting the minimum net score requirements set for their respective region may be eligible to receive recognition in the “Scored Entry” category. Scoring is done by local certified TBGA scorers using the Boone & Crockett Club Scoring System and entry is free. The landowner where the entry was taken is also eligible to be recognized. Also, hunters that harvest a bighorn sheep during the current season are eligible for recognition through the program.

Hunters of any age who harvest their first big game animal in Texas are eligible for the “First Big Game Harvest” category. Hunters who harvest a white-tailed deer, mule deer, javelina, pronghorn antelope, or bighorn sheep are eligible, regardless of sex or score of the animal in this category.

All youth hunters (hunting under a valid youth hunting license) who harvest a white-tailed deer, mule deer, javelina, pronghorn antelope, or bighorn sheep are eligible for the “Youth Division,” regardless of sex or score or the animal.

Big Game Awards Details

For more information on the Texas Big Game Awards, entry information, or for a local certified TBGA scorer, visit www.TexasBigGameAwards.org or call 210-236-9761.

All awards for each category will be presented only at the Regional Celebration for the region of harvest. Participants are invited to attend their regional banquet, but may attend any of the celebrations. A Statewide Celebration will be coordinated by TWA in conjunction with the TWA Annual Convention held July 15 in San Antonio. The top three animals statewide in each category will be recognized and receive a special award at the statewide ceremony.

Texas Big Game Awards 2016 Regional Banquet Schedule

  • Region 5, 6, 7 — May 14, Lufkin
  • Region1, 2, 3 — June 4, San Angelo
  • Region 4, 8 — June 11, Uvalde

Texas Mule Deer Hunting Season Looks Favorable

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is reporting that prospects are good for the upcoming mule deer hunting season, which starts on Saturday, Nov. 21 in the Texas Panhandle and Nov. 27 in the Trans Pecos. TPWD biologists say above average habitat conditions have bolstered body weights and antler growth this year.

In addition, agency is asking hunters and landowners to submit harvested mule deer for sampling as part of enhanced, statewide monitoring efforts for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). The deer disease is always fatal in deer and elk. It was found in West Texas a few years ago and TPWD continues to monitor the spread of the disease.

Mule Deer Hunting in West Texas

Panhandle Mule Deer

Although not required in the Panhandle, mule deer harvested in far West Texas are required to be submitted for testing under TPWD’s Chronic Wasting Disease Management Plan protocols. The management plan includes mandatory check stations for susceptible species like elk and mule deer taken inside the CWD Containment Zone, which covers portions of Hudspeth, Culberson, and El Paso counties. More information on the Texas CWD zones map.

The Texas Animal Health Commission and TPWD will also use the CWD check stations in a cooperative effort to monitor for bovine tuberculosis (TB) in Texas. The tissue samples used for this effort would be the same samples currently collected as part of the ongoing CWD monitoring effort.

Mule Deer Disease: CWD Testing in Texas

The mule deer hunting season is getting ready to start in Texas and hunters are asked to submit animals for testing. Hunters taking mule deer inside the West Texas Containment Zone during the 2015-16 mule deer hunting season are required to submit their harvest (unfrozen head) for CWD sampling at a check station within 24 hours of take.

Over 800 tissue samples have been collected for CWD testing purposes from hunter-harvested deer and elk from the Trans Pecos ecoregion the past three hunting seasons, and CWD has not been detected in mule deer located outside of the Hueco Mountain area.


“We recommend hunters in the Containment Zone and High Risk Zone quarter deer in the field and leave all but the quarters, backstraps, and head at the site of harvest if they are unable to bury the inedible carcass parts as deep as possible on the ranch or take them to a landfill,” said Shawn Gray, Mule Deer Program Leader for TPWD.

Mandatory check stations will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Nov. 27 – Dec. 13 and 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Dec 14. Stations will be located in Cornudas at May’s Café (on US 62-180) and in Van Horn at the Van Horn Convention Center (1801 West Broadway).

Hunters who harvest deer in the Containment Zone outside the general season under the authority of MLDP (Managed Lands Deer Permits) will need to call TPWD at (512) 221-8491 the day the deer is harvested to make arrangements to have the deer sampled for CWD.

Deer and elk harvested in other areas of the Trans Pecos and Panhandle regions may present their deer for CWD testing, to aid in statewide surveillance effort to contain the deer disease. A voluntary check station will be established at the Hip-O Taxidermy in Alpine (east side of town on US 90, across from Dairy Queen) during the first three weekends of the general season, Saturday through Monday (Nov. 28–30, Dec. 5–7, and Dec. 12–14), from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday and 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Monday. Other check station locations are illustrated on a map shown on TPWD’s main CWD web page.

All deer brought to the check stations this season will be aged as part of disease surveillance. Additional biological information such as antler measurements and field dressed weights will also be collected as time allows.

Quail Populations Up on Better Habitat in Texas

Bobwhite quail populations are up substantially in Texas thanks to better habitat. Quail hunters, on owned or leased land, should see more birds than they have over the past decade. Thanks to timely rainfall and cooler temperatures this year, Texas quail hunters can anticipate hearing more bobwhites during the upcoming quail hunting season, which gets under way statewide Saturday, October 31.

Bobwhite quail could provide the best indicator of how timely rainfall has benefited wildlife in Texas this year. The combination of spring and summer rainfall and lower-than-average temperatures across most of the summer has resulted in a flush of vegetation and insects and an extended window of opportunity for nesting, a combination for success that quail have not enjoyed for many years.

Quail in Texas

Reports from South Texas sound the most dramatic, according to Robert Perez, TPWD’s quail authority, with broods being observed all summer long, multiple age classes and large brood size (good chick survival).

“Some are predicting a real boom year in some parts of South Texas,” Perez noted. “The Rolling Plains have been hit hardest over the last several years with periods of extended drought, but the needle is definitely moving in the right direction. Survey results showed some improvement last year but quail appear to have made a striking recovery in the region this past summer. The quail roadside index recorded an amazing five-fold increase. Lots of large broods have been observed there as well, and we expect to see a good bump in numbers in the region.”

Quail season runs through Feb. 28, 2016.The daily bag limit for quail is 15, with 45 in possession. Legal shooting hours for all non-migratory game birds are 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset. The bag limit is the maximum number that may be killed during the legal shooting hours in one day.

Perez notes the Gulf Coast is not as tied to rainfall as the arid rangelands, so production can actually be hampered by excessive rains. Early reports of good production and above average survey results in the remnant prairies of the Gulf Coast are a good indication that numbers will likely remain high, as they have been the past couple of years.

Quail are notorious for trending with weather, going through years of exceptional production when conditions are favorable, followed by down turns when the weather doesn’t align properly. Biologists refer to it as “boom and bust” cycles. Last season marked the end of three consecutive years of drought conditions in both South Texas and the Rolling Plains where quail populations began to show signs of recovery. Good hunts were reported in several areas of South Texas and a few areas of the Rolling Plains. Good to excellent hunts were also reported in the central Gulf Coastal Prairies where an all-time high was recorded by the TPWD 2014 survey.

Heading into 2015, excellent late winter conditions produced a flush of winter greens providing nutrition for hens prior to the nesting season. The core Texas quail hunting regions received frequent rainfall events from spring through midsummer which produced excellent nesting cover, abundant forbs and countless insects. Improved habitat combined with summer temperatures that remained below the 100 degree mark through the second week of July allowed quail to enjoy an extended window of breeding and nesting opportunity throughout the Rolling Plains, South Texas and the Trans Pecos.

Consequently, according to Perez, the forecast for quail hunting in many areas of Texas is good to excellent this year. Looking forward, climatologists are predicting an El Nino year which may bring another mild wet winter and excellent breeding conditions heading into the 2016 season.

Right to Hunt: Texas Hunters Deserve It

The future of turkey populations and hunting lies in habitat management, protecting plant communities important for wild turkey. This holds true for all wildlife species. No one funds more habitat management, which benefits both game and non-game, than hunters. For this reason alone, our hunting heritage is important.

The National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) recently donated $10,000 to Texans United for Hunting and Fishing Rights to help raise awareness about Proposition 6 on the upcoming Texas Constitutional Amendment Ballot, because the NWTF firmly believes in the citizens’ rights to hunt and fish.

Proposition 6 proposes an amendment to the Texas constitution that establishes an individual right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife in the Lone Star State. Its passing would ensure wildlife conservation and management decisions continue to be based on sound science in order to protect against future attacks from well-funded, anti-hunting organizations and preserve Texas’ hunting heritage for generations to come.

“The NWTF supports this proposition as it is a natural fit with goals outlined in our Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt. initiative,” said NWTF biologist Gene T. Miller. “Sportsmen pay for fish and wildlife conservation efforts in Texas. By helping to pass Proposition 6, we can secure the rights of hunters and fishermen throughout the state and help guarantee the stream of conservation funding will continue.”

Proposition 6 received overwhelming bi-partisan support in the legislature and is supported by a growing coalition of 60 outdoor organizations representing more than 3 million hunters, anglers, landowners and conservationists.

Eighteen states currently guarantee the right to hunt and fish in their state constitutions. Residents voted for and passed the initiatives in 17 of those states. For more information on Proposition 6, please visit Texas United for Hunting and Fishing Rights.

About Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt.

The National Wild Turkey Federation Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt. initiative is a charge that mobilizes science, fundraising and devoted volunteers to give the NWTF more energy and purpose than ever. Through this national initiative, NWTF has committed to raising $1.2 billion to conserve or enhance more than 4 million acres of essential upland wildlife habitat, create at least 1.5 million hunters and open access to 500,000 acres for hunting, shooting and outdoor enjoyment. Without hunters, there will be no wildlife or habitat. The NWTF is determined to Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt.

About Texas United for Hunting and Fishing Rights

Is a specific purpose political action committee dedicated to protecting Texans’ rights to hunt and fish through the passage of Proposition 6 on the November 3, 2015, Constitutional Amendment Ballot. For more information, contact Peter Muller at (803) 637-7698.

Texas to Test Hunter ‘s Deer for CWD

Get Deer Tested for CWD

“In the wake of our increased concern about CWD we are ramping up our sampling effort state wide,” said Mitch Lockwood, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Big Game Program Director. “We will be collecting samples from deer and elk, and other cervid species, in every county where deer hunting occurs.”

With the recent discovery of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in two captive deer breeding facilities in south-central Texas, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department will be stepping up efforts to strategically test hunter harvested deer for CWD at a greater level during the 2015-16 hunting season.

Hunters are encouraged to assist with this statewide monitoring effort by voluntarily submitting samples this fall. TPWD biologists will collect and submit samples to the Texas A&M Veterinary Diagnostic Lab at no cost to the hunter. Tissue samples from the heads of harvested deer must be collected within 24 hours of harvest, up to 48 hours if kept chilled. It is very important that the deer head not be frozen.

CWD Testing in Texas

Since 2003, TPWD biologists have been monitoring the state’s free-ranging deer population for CWD. Using statistical sampling tables commonly used by animal disease experts, biologists set a sampling goal that would detect the disease with 95 percent confidence if at least one out of every 100 deer was infected. Thus far, biologists have collected nearly 30,000 samples from hunter-harvested deer across Texas’ eight ecological regions, in most cases surpassing 95 percent confidence standards. To date, CWD has not been found in Texas free-ranging white-tailed deer.

The sampling strategy for the 2015-16 hunting season is being refined to target disease risk levels within the state’s 33 unique Resource Management Units (RMU); wildlife conservation areas that TPWD uses for all other deer management decisions. Criteria for establishing risk levels include factors such as deer density, susceptible species importation history, proximity to a CWD-positive site, etc.

CWD Testing Goals

Sampling goals will rely upon hunter harvest submissions ranging from 60 to 433 (lowest to highest risk) deer for each RMU, and if biologists can achieve these goals, will result in excess of 7,000 samples. TPWD will also specifically target sampling efforts within a 5-mile radius around the CWD index facility in Medina County to determine the prevalence and geographic extent of the disease in that specific area.

Texas Duck & Goose Hunting Seasons Set for 2015-16

Good nesting conditions bode well for the upcoming duck and goose hunting seasons in Texas and the rest of the Central Flyway. All reports indicate that a large, fresh crop of ducks will be migrating south this fall. In preparation for what is shaping up to be an amazing year for duck hunting in particular, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission has approved the 2015-16 waterfowl seasons for Texas. Texas should have increased surface water for incoming record populations of wintering waterfowl.

Good news of record-setting waterfowl populations, with nearly all species numbering above the long term goals identified in the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, sets the table for the 2015-16 hunting season in Texas. Most species of ducks important to Texas waterfowlers are well above long term averages, with mallards and green-winged teal reaching new all-time highs.

Duck Hunting in Texas

A staggered hunting season openers this fall in the North and South Zones along with a concurrent split will allow duck hunters who wish to hunt across zones in essence an additional two weeks of opportunity. The only change to the daily bag limit on ducks this season is an increase to two canvasbacks.

Changes to this season’s goose regulations include an increase in the number of goose hunting days for white-fronted geese in the Eastern Zone from 72 to 86, with those additional days added to the end of the season framework. Also, the bag limit for Canada geese in the Eastern Zone increases this season from three to five daily, including during the early Canada goose season. The daily aggregate bag limit of no more than two white-fronted geese remains in effect. In the Western Zone, the daily bag limit on white-fronted geese also increases this season to two.

Following are the adopted duck hunting, goose hunting and sandhill crane hunting seasons dates and limits for the 2015-16 migratory game bird seasons:

Texas Duck Hunting Seasons 2015-16

  • High Plains Mallard Management Unit: Youth: Oct. 24-25; Regular: Oct. 31 — Nov. 1 and Nov. 6 — Jan. 31; “Dusky” Duck: Nov. 9 — Jan. 31.
  • North Zone: Youth: Oct. 31 – Nov. 1; Regular: Nov. 7-29 and Dec. 12 — Jan. 31; “Dusky” Duck: Nov. 12-29 and Dec. 12 — Jan. 31.
  • South Zone: Youth: Oct. 24-25; Regular: Oct. 31 – Nov. 29 and Dec. 12 — Jan. 24; “Dusky” Duck: Nov. 5-29 and Dec. 12 — Jan. 24.
  • Bag Limit: 6/day in the aggregate to include no more than 3 wood ducks, 3 scaup, 5 mallards, of which only 2 may be hens, 2 redheads, 2 pintail , 2 canvasback, 1 “dusky duck” (mottled, black or Mexican-like) after the first 5 days. Mergansers: 5/day with no more than 2 hooded merganser. Coots: 15/day. Possession limit is three times the daily bag limit.

Texas Goose Hunting Seasons 2015-16

  • East Zone: Nov. 7 — Jan. 31; Light Geese Conservation Order Feb. 1 — Mar. 20.
  • Bag Limit: 5 dark geese, to include no more than 2 white-fronted geese, 20 light geese (no possession limit).


  • West Zone: Oct. 31 — Jan. 31; Light Geese Conservation Order Feb. 1 — Mar. 20.
  • Bag Limit: 5 dark geese, to include no more than 2 white-fronted geese, 20 light geese (no possession limit).

Sandhill Crane Hunting Seasons 2015-16

  • Zone A: Oct. 31 – Jan. 31.Bag Limit: 3.
  • Zone B: Nov. 20 — Jan. 31. Bag Limit: 3.
  • Zone C: Dec. 19 — Jan. 24. Bag Limit: 2.

Think Tree Stand Safety First This Hunting Season

One of the most important things, whether hunting or otherwise, is to be safe. Falls are the number of cause of hunting-related fatalities. In just about every case, treestands are the common link, whether it be climbing stands or ladder stands or otherwise. August is treestand safety month and wildlife departments and hunting organizations are reminding hunters to be prepared and stay safe, especially when using a tree stand.

Treestand safety should be practiced at all times. This includes pre-hunting season preparation, whether scouting a location, trimming shooting lanes or putting up a tree stand on a trial basis. Deer and hog hunters should use the same treestand precautions now as they would during fall hunting seasons. When first putting a tree stand in place, consider using a lineman-style belt in addition to a full-body harness. This minimizes the chance of falls and potential injury.

Treestand Safety

Of course, always select a healthy, straight tree for placement and make sure to inform someone know where you are or take someone along during pre-season work. Some treestand safety recommendations include practicing use at ground level then gradually going higher, never carry anything as you climb — use a haul line to raise and lower equipment, and maintaining three points of contact when climbing. Additional treestand safety tips include following manufacturer instructions, especially those related to exceeding manufacturer’s maximum weight and height settings.

As with any piece of equipment, treestands need inspection prior to the use. Replace rusted bolts, frayed straps or, if needed, buy a new treestand. Leaving a tree stand up from one season to the next has some inherent problems that outweigh any convenience. For stands left in place, check them prior to the deer hunting season or before heading to the field.

When a tree stand is exposed to the elements due to long-term placement, it may have damaged straps, ropes and attachment cords — any of which potentially may lead to breakage and failure. Treestand safety means being cognizant of the equipment you use as well as your physical abilities. Have fun, stay safe and come home from the hunt!

Texas Deer Breeder Movement Plan Finalized

The finding of Chronic wasting disease in the Texas Hill Country has rattled the deer hunting community within the state. As the fall hunting season approach, government agencies and hunters are both trying to figure out how things are going to play out, especially since the number of captive deer (bucks) moved out of breeder facilities prior to the hunting season has likely increased substantially in recent years. With state agencies looking to stop the spread of CWD, what will be the movement status of active deer breeders in Texas? Well…

Texas deer breeders will be able to resume animal movements under a plan finalized yesterday by staff of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC). The Breeder Deer Movement Qualification Standards Plan will take effect upon the filing of Emergency Rules by TPWD and will be in place through the 2015-16 Texas hunting season.

Key elements of the deer movement status and qualification plan:

  • A framework giving breeders who met previous movement qualified standards an option to move and liberate deer. Movement qualification is also dependent on administrative compliance with deer breeder permit regulations and statutes.
  • Enhanced options for closely-monitored herds with a status of “fifth year” or “certified” in the TAHC Monitored Herd Program. There are no additional release site requirements for ranches that receive deer only from these herds.
  • Additional Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) testing in deer breeding facilities. Under the plan, the vast majority of the 1,300 permitted deer breeders in Texas can gain movement qualified status by testing two or fewer animals.
  • There will be CWD testing requirements for a proportion of deer that are harvested on some release sites.

The goal of the Movement Qualification Plan is to provide deer breeders with options prior to the September 22 deadline for movement and liberation of bucks and before the 2015-16 hunting season. This is just one of many steps Texas is taking to mitigate the spread of CWD after it was detected in deer from a Medina County deer breeding facility earlier this summer.

“We have received and tried to be responsive to the extensive feedback from the state’s many and varied deer management interests in developing this revised plan,” said Carter Smith, TPWD Executive Director. “In the development of this framework, both agencies are balancing the need to minimize the risk of unwittingly allowing the movement or liberation of Chronic Wasting Disease-positive deer on the Texas landscape while adopting reasonable movement qualification standards that allow qualified deer breeders to begin moving and liberating captive deer. The complexity associated with the development of this framework is immense.”

A joint agency CWD Working Group will now focus efforts on developing individual herd plans for affected deer breeders and develop a plan for strategic sampling of hunter harvested deer from free-ranging populations this fall. “Our goal was to protect the health of free-ranging and captive breeder deer, while maintaining business continuity for the breeder industry,” said Dr. Dee Ellis, TAHC Executive Director. “We believe this plan accomplishes those goals.”

Factors such as level of connectedness to the index facility, level of testing in the TAHC Monitored Herd Program, relative percentage of the overall herd that has been tested, and variable liberation criteria are all being considered in development of the herd plans. The TAHC and TPWD are continuing the investigation of the index facility in Medina County, where 42 deer have been euthanized and tested for CWD.

“The results from the partial testing of the animals in the Index Facility, as well as samples from the CWD-exposed herds, are important to making reasonable, prudent, and responsible decisions for the remaining captive herds, neighboring landowners, and wild deer,” said Clayton Wolf, TPWD Wildlife Division director.

Wildlife Organizations Unite Over CWD in Texas

The discovery of chronic wasting disease in Central Texas breeder deer last month is still ringing through the wildlife community within Texas. The Texas Wildlife Association, the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, the Boone & Crockett Club, Quality Deer Management Association, the National Wild Turkey Federation, Borderlands Research Institute, Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Texas State Rifle Association and Texas Wildlife and Fisheries Management Council to support implementation of prudent regulatory protocols in response to Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), which was first discovered in a captive deer breeding facility in Medina County in late June, 2015. The groups were all signatories to a recent resolution initiated by the Texas Wildlife Association.

CWD in Deer in Texas

The latest organization to join the cause, Texans for Saving Our Hunting Heritage. “It is important to all of us that the conservation, hunting and land steward community is galvanized in response to the finding of CWD in Medina County,” Jenny Sanders, executive director of Texans for Saving Our Hunting Heritage, said. “We need to ensure that our actions are guided by science, caution and a sense of utmost concern for our wild deer herds, hunting markets and rural economies.”

Chronic Wasting Disease

Source: CWD, an always-fatal, infectious brain disease that affects members of the deer family (Cervids, including white tailed and mule deer, elk, reindeer, red deer and sika) has been a known threat for many years, with documented cases in 21 states and 2 Canadian Provinces, including West Texas mule deer in 2012. Captive deer—purposefully confined in high concentrations, potentially shipped to and through multiple deer breeding facilities and then liberated to co-mingle with wild deer—could greatly amplify the speed, volume and geographic distribution of CWD.

Texas Mountain Ranch, where a diseased buck was first detected in June, has shipped 825 deer to 147 properties in the last five years, potentially exposing 66 Texas counties to this deadly disease.