Elk Hunting, Herds in Texas Subject to CWD Testing

Though there are some free ranging elk in Texas, thousands more are maintained behind high fences by breeders and private land owners. These captive herds are either purely recreational or part of a commercial deer and elk hunting operation. Elk had been treated as livestock, but new disease testing requirements are about to take effect. Elk producers wishing to sell or move elk must enroll in the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) herd monitoring program or have elk tested.

After January 1, 2012, however, elk will only be allowed to move after all CWD surveillance requirements have been met. Surveillance requirements can be met by enrolling in the CWD status program, testing all mortalities and achieving “status,” OR by having a valid “not detected” CWD test on file prior to movement. The number of valid CWD tests required are based on the number of elk being moved and whether they are captive or free ranging.

The TAHC implemented new elk herd requirements on January 1, 2010, to ensure a stronger surveillance system for CWD in elk, which also can affect white-tailed deer. “The program is intended to help protect the exotic and native wildlife and the cervid industry of Texas from the possible introduction of CWD, by developing an effective surveillance system”, Dr. Dee Ellis, TAHC State Veterinarian, said.” “Enrollment and ultimately achieving status will allow producers to move elk without requiring additional mortality testing,” Dr. Ellis added. “I strongly encourage all elk producers to sign up today.”

Elk Hunting in Texas: CWD Testing a Must

CWD is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy known to affect elk, moose, white-tailed deer, black-tailed deer and mule deer. It is a fatal, degenerative brain wasting deer disease. The typical clinical signs of CWD are emaciation, behavioral changes and excessive salivation. CWD is not known to affect people, and has not been detected in Texas to date. Since it was first detected in Colorado in 1967 however, it has subsequently been diagnosed in 17 other states and continues to threaten the cervid industry in other parts of the US.

The TAHC enforces interstate movement requirements for elk and other cervids entering Texas. Out of state animals must originate from a herd which has participated for at least five years in a state-approved CWD herd certification program, and with no clinical signs of CWD in the herd. In today’s environment, the mobility and transportation of agricultural animals throughout the state and country has greatly increased the potential exposure to diseases.

“Adequate and timely surveillance CWD testing is critical to detect a newly introduced or emerging disease as quickly as possible, so that it can be eliminated before potential spread to other animals”, explained Dr. Terry Hensley, Assistant State Veterinarian.

CWD has not been detected in captive or free-ranging deer or elk in Texas, but elk producers must continue to be mindful of the disease, and take necessary precautions to ensure the safety of exotic livestock. “Maintaining surveillance for CWD in elk in Texas is critical for effective animal disease response,” Dr. Hensley added.

By keeping appropriate records and sufficient sampling of animals as required by the program, a herd can achieve a recognized “herd status” for CWD. Under the TAHC’s elk enrollment program, elk would be test- eligible at 16 months of age or older, and tests conducted in a herd would be valid for one year.

In order to be eligible for moving elk, participation in the program is mandatory. The movement of elk around the state could impact non-complying breeders as well and elk hunting operations that depend on bringing animals in from time to time. Elk owners can enroll their herds in the CWD monitoring program today by contacting their local TAHC regional office.

Texas Sandhill Crane Hunting Season 2011-12

It’s about that time of the year when Sandhill Cranes start making their way towards Texas. Some will hang-up in the Texas Panhandle while others will head straight for the coastal prairies located just off the Gulf of Mexico. And much of the state does have a Sandhill Crane Hunting Season. In fact, there have been three hunting zones in Texas for as long as I can remember, and here are the season dates for the 2011-12 hunting season:

Texas Sandhill Crane Hunting Season Map

Sandhill Crane Hunting Zone A: Nov. 5, 2011 — Feb. 5, 2012, daily bag limit is three and possession limit is six birds.

Sandhill Crane Hunting Zone B: Nov. 25, 2011 — Feb. 5, 2012, daily bag limit is three and possession limit is six cranes.

Sandhill Crane Hunting Zone C: Dec. 24, 2011 — Jan. 29, 2012, daily bag limit is two and possession limit is four sandhill cranes.

Sandhill Crane Hunting Zone C Closed Area Description: Everything to the Gulf of Mexico from a line beginning at the Kleberg-Nueces county line and the Gulf of Mexico, west along the county line to Park Road 22, to State Hwy. 358, to State Hwy. 286, north to IH 37, east to U.S. Hwy. 181, north and west to U.S. Hwy. 77 at Sinton, north and east along U.S. Hwy. 77 to U.S. Hwy. 87 at Victoria, east and south along U.S. Hwy. 87 to State Hwy. 35, north and east along State Hwy. 35 to the south end of Lavaca Bay Causeway, south and east along the shore of Lavaca Bay to the Port Lavaca Ship Channel, south and east along the Ship Channel to the Gulf of Mexico.

Sandhill Cranes are actually a challenging bird to hunt. In fact, most hunters think of them as big, slow birds, which can cause some shooting problems in the field. John Sheckly, Sandhill Crane hunting guide said, “Because of the bird’s body length and huge wingspan many hunters think the cranes are flying closer and slower than they actually are. As a result, many will shoot behind the sandhills or way too early. There is definitely a learning curve for first-time Sandhill Crane hunters.”

Duck Hunting at J.D. Murphree WMA

It’s been dry this year and it’s probably not going to get any better any time soon. But bring on the rain dances if you’d like. With the Texas duck hunting season just around the corner, any rainfall prior to the November 5 waterfowl season opener would be a welcome sight for both the hunters and the birds. After all, wildlife officials are anticipating a banner migration of ducks even though at this point they feel it’s too late to repair the damage this year from the drought.

Texas goose and duck hunters will have better luck bringing in birds with just water. Put the duck call away for this hunting season, unless your hunting tidal waters such as those found at the J.D. Murphee Wildlife Management Area (WMA). Wetland habitat conditions throughout waterfowl wintering grounds in Texas have suffered greatly under the drought, and what precious little groceries that remain aren’t expected to hold birds for long.

Duck Hunting J.D. Murphree WMA

“It will be a very interesting year to say the least as we have a large number of waterfowl headed our way but very little habitat on the landscape to support them,” said Matt Nelson, Central Coast Wetlands Ecosystem Project Leader with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. “Guadalupe Delta WMA looks the best habitat-wise, especially the tidal marsh. I suspect the bays will see more activity this season than in years past but with little food production I don’t think we will hold many birds for any length of time. We simply don’t have the habitat or food on the Justin Hurst WMA. “

Duck hunting in areas fortunate enough to have retained water and preserved habitat should be excellent during the early part of the season, but may not be sustainable through the winter. The upper coast is fairing a little better, but not much, said Jim Sutherlin, TPWD Upper Coast Wetlands Ecosystem Project Leader.

“We are 23 inches behind our annual rainfall after ending last year around 13 inches behind,” said Sutherlin. “Our soil moisture levels are very low, but we are growing green grass this fall instead of watching grass turn brown as we did in the hot summer. Coastal marsh habitat conditions are dismal for duck hunting. Either we have dry marshes, or marshes with very high salinity waters which produce little wildlife benefit, kill plants and deteriorate organic wetland soils.”

The brightest spot on the J.D. Murphree WMA is likely Wetland Compartment 5 where Ducks Unlimited installed a new pump this past summer using a North American Wetlands Conservation Act Grant, which gives the WMA the ability to pump water from Big Hill Bayou into this management compartment. Water levels and habitat should be good in this compartment throughout the season.

“We have very few submerged aquatic plants, but we do have some impressive stands of millet in a few sites,” Sutherlin added. “The rice agriculture and coastal prairie range around us is very dry. We likely will have an abundance of ducks for short periods of time during the hunting season due to the overall duck numbers in this fall migration. I do not expect the birds to stay on the J.D. Murphree WMA for very long due to low waterfowl food availability and marginal seasonal habitat conditions along the Western Gulf Coast, but the duck hunting will be great while it last.”

Duck Hunting at Justin Hurst WMA, Guadalupe Delta WMA

This duck hunting season is shaping up to be a dry one, but the crazy thing is that there are tons of ducks! Hunting in areas fortunate enough to have retained water and preserved habitat should provide excellent duck hunting during the early part of the duck season, but may not be sustainable through the winter. Two great public hunting areas are the Justin Hurst Wildlife Management Area (WMA) and the Guadalupe Delta WMA. But will they produce this year?

Texas provides a winter home to 90 percent of the Central Flyway’s ducks, roughly 10 million birds in an average year. Unfortunately, this year is an exception as extremely wet conditions in the prairie pothole waterfowl breeding grounds in Canada and the Dakotas bolstered production and near record fall flights are headed this way. The bulk of incoming ducks winter along the Texas coast and rely on a number of wildlife areas, and a lot of duck hunters do, as well.

Duck Hunting at Justin Hurst WMA, Guadalupe Delta WMA

Matt Nelson, Central Coast Wetlands Ecosystem Project Leader with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, stressed the mid coast Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) have very little freshwater available and all wetland impoundments and fresh water ponds are dry. Currently the only water on the Justin Hurst WMA and Mad Island WMA are tidal water. The inland, freshwater ponds have no water and currently do not serve as duck habitat.

The Justin Hurst WMA has historically provided good duck hunting for folks in the Houston area, but it looks to be slim pickings this year. “It’s very salty at the moment and these tidal marshes are pretty much void of any submergent vegetation too, which our migrating friends are dependent upon,” Nelson said.

Guadalupe Delta WMA is in better shape as its marshes have maintained a decent amount of fresh/brackish water throughout the summer and has produced a fair amount of groceries for the ducks. “Unfortunately it’s the only area along the mid-coast at the moment with decent habitat and considering the high number of migrating birds headed our way I predict what submergent vegetation is remaining will be consumed quickly,” Nelson predicted. “I don’t know where the birds will go but I feel that they won’t be in very good shape when we send them back up north.” The duck hunting will should be hot for the opener, but let’s hope the habitat improves.

Prescribed Burning, Fire for Wildlife Management

Fire is natural process that scares most people, but fire also played an important role in shaping much of the grassland and forested wildlife habitats found throughout the country. Since fire is an important natural process, biologist and land managers recognize that not fire is bad, especially prescribed fire. Once termed prescribed burns, most planned burns are now referred to as prescribed fire. This wildlife management practice has many benefits though, regardless of what you call it.

Sometimes the vegetation that makes up a particular species’ habitat requires a prescribed, managed fire, not a wildfire, to come along at the right place, at the right time, and in a controlled manner. This is prescribed fire. But it’s not just about starting a fire. The habitat management objectives of the fire must first be determined, and the specific conditions under which the fire should be carry out. It is only after the fire plan has been established that a fire prescription for conducting the fire has been developed.

Prescribed Fire, Prescribed Burns for Wildlife Habitat Improvement

Prescribed fires have different uses depending on the management objectives. Prescribed burning is most often used to reduce fuels such as pine needles, leaves and herbeceous vegetation such as grass and weeds. These fine fuels typically build up quickly, but they also burn quickly. Prescribed fire is also important for individual game and non-game wildlife species. Fire can be used to effectively manage white-tailed deer and bobwhite quail habitat when used every three to seven years.

Fire behavior is closely very related to local weather variables that determine how a fire will burn. Air temperature, relative humidity, and wind have the greatest impact on fire behavior. Warmer temperatures make for more volatile fires. Low humidity also makes for hotter, more volatile fires. The wildlife and habitat management objectives must be taken in to account when determining the conditions under which the fire will be conducted.

In short, prescribed fire has many benefits that impact both plant and animal species. The habitat management goals must be determined first, then a prescribed fire plan must be developed. Prescriptions should be created that identify the weather conditions necessary to conduct the fire safely while also meeting the habitat management objectives. Proper preparation is the bulk of the work when getting ready for a burn. Land owners interested in songbird, quail, turkey and whitetail deer habitat improvement should consider prescribed fire as a wildlife management practice.

Texas Duck Hunting: Lots of Ducks, Little Water!

Fast and furious duck hunting action is about as fun as it gets, and the Texas Panhandle can offer some real barrel-heating action at the right times. The High Plains Mallard Management Unit duck hunting season runs October 29-30 and November-January 29, 2012. The good news is that’s not far off, the bad news is that few, if any, playa lakes are holding water, so most ducks are working cattle feed lot tanks at this time.

Sandhill cranes are showing in the Panhandle along with a few Canadas. Teal, pintails, shovelers, gadwalls and wigeons are solid on wet ponds along the coastal prairies. Ducks are concentrated on limited water, which should be a boon for hunters when the duck season opens November 5 in the North and South zones. Strong numbers of specklebellies are showing in cut rice fields.

Texas Duck Hunting - Duck Hunting in Texas

Many duck hunting reports from along the coast have stated seeing more ducks on saltwater flats earlier than normal this year, probably due to the lack of water on high ground inland ponds. This will will boast full straps for those duck hunting along the coasts, but may mean tough sledding for hunters more inland. The duck hunting season in the North and South zones runs from November 5-27 and then December 10-January 29, 2012.

The daily bag limit shall be 6 ducks, to include no more than the following: 5 mallards (only 2 of which may be hens), 3 wood ducks, 2 scaup (lesser scaup and greater scaup in the aggregate), 2 redheads, 2 pintails, 1 canvasback, 1 dusky duck (mottled duck, Mexican-like duck, black duck and their hybrids are closed the first five days of the season in each zone). All other species: 6. With surface water in short supply, the duck hunting should be red hot anywhere a hunter can find water.

Quail Habitat Decline Impacts Texas Quail Hunters

The drought of 2011 has been rough on Texas’ plants and animals, but among the hardest hit is the bobwhite quail. This upland game bird is highly correlated with quality native grasslands, but both are on the decline. Low amounts of precipitation mean poor habitat quality and below average quail hunting. And the drought is only compounding matters because of low soil moisture, overgrazing by livestock, little plant growth and seed production and low nesting success.

“We’ve been on point monitoring quail declines well before this current drought,” said Clayton Wolf, Wildlife Director for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. “We’ve been taking steps to address the problem of low quail numbers and declining habitat, but the drought is raising the sense of urgency.”

The Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), an annual field census survey used to track quail productivity, shows a decline in Texas bobwhite quail breeding numbers at a rate of 3.9 percent per year from 1970 to 2009. Texas bobwhite harvest has declined by 80 percent over the past 30 years. Although this population decline is not as steep as seen in southeastern states, it is still cause for concern.

Better Quail Hunting in Texas - Habitat Management is the Key

Many reasons are cited for these declines, but evidence points to changes in the quantity and quality of quail habitat as the leading cause. The topic has broad relevance, because grassland habitat used by quail is important for many of other wildlife species. Proper management can have big, cumulative effects because grassland habitat can affect water quantity and quality for people, as well.

“For all of us who care about the future of this prized game bird and the habitats it occupies around the state, complacency is not an option,” said Carter Smith, TPWD Executive Director. “We need hunters, landowners, government agencies and non-profit groups all making this a priority in order to advance the recovery of this species. Rest assured, the department will do its part.”

While TPWD wildlife biologists are focusing their efforts on assisting landowners develop habitat-based management strategies that can benefit quail and other grassland wildlife, the department is also taking action in other areas, including possible changes in quail hunting regulations.

Potential changes in season length and bag limit framework for the 2012-13 hunting season will be discussed during the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission’s November 2 Regulatory Committee meeting in Austin. Over the next few months, the TPWD Wildlife Division’s upland game bird staff and technical committee will review season length, bag limits and the possibility of regional differences for quail season to determine if modifications to the 2012-13 seasons are warranted.

Wolf said regulation changes alone won’t solve the problem. “But, we can look at a variety of approaches to address quail management, including regulations,” he said. Good news is that in one area of the state, the Gulf Prairies and Marshes region, quail numbers this year have actually risen due to proactive habitat management and adequate weather conditions.

Even in areas of the state where quail numbers have dropped considerably this year, particularly the Rolling Plains region in North Texas, there are still pockets with huntable numbers of bobwhites. But, dry conditions this year contributed to major wildfires that consumed millions of acres of vegetation. Quail production in the Rolling Plains hit an all-time low, according to this year’s BBS, and biologists say every bobwhite that survives the winter will be critical to next year’s production.

“Burned areas will likely provide good habitat after future rainfall events but for now they offer very little cover for quail and other wildlife,” said Robert Perez, TPWD’s upland game bird program leader. “We’re advising landowners if you are seeing low quail numbers on your ranch, you should consider reducing quail harvest. It’s okay to hunt, work your dogs, but take a conservative approach. Flush a covey only once and don’t chase the singles or pairs, or limit how long you hunt.”

Perez also encourages quail hunting early in the season, which runs from October 29 through February 26. Find the best pockets of habitat and there should be at least a few birds to chase. In addition, consider habitat management practices that can improve quail plants on your property to increase available habitat and bird numbers.

Quail Hunting in Texas Depends on Bird Numbers

Bobwhite quail are the most numerous quail found in the Lone Star State. Furthermore, quail hunting in Texas is socially and economically important. But viable quail populations require suitable habitat. According to the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative, a coalition of wildlife professionals across 25 states, bobwhite quail populations have plummeted nationwide by as much as 80 percent over the past half century by some estimates.

In addition, entire suites of songbirds that depend on the same “quail habitat” of native grasslands and shrublands have recorded similar declines. The good news for quail hunters is that history has shown bobwhites can bounce back when the weather cooperates and suitable habitat is available. Ideal quail production occurs in years that remain wet and cool during the spring and early summer months because it extends the window of opportunity for nesting and reproduction.

Quail Hunting in Texas

“We need to manage quail habitat in preparation for those good years,” said Robert Perez of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. “A majority of bobwhites don’t survive the first year even during good times; that’s why it takes more than one good year to bring numbers back. Quail hunting is not typically a limiting factor in areas with good habitat.”

Texas is taking a proactive, partnership strategy to address quail population declines in Texas through a coalition of state, federal and private stakeholders — the Texas Quail Conservation Initiative. By bringing all stakeholders to the table, the initiative can focus on landscape level conservation. Habitat management is the key to producing and maintaining quail habitat and providing quality quail hunting year after year. Without the required habitat, even good years will not be productive for quail populations.

Texas Duck Hunting Reports for Duck Season

With the Texas duck season getting closer by the day, the duck hunting reports are getting better! The hatch was really good up North this year, so we just needed the right conditions to get the birds moving our way. Habitat conditions across the U.S. and Canadian prairies were generally good. During the waterfowl nesting survey and into early summer, many of the areas important to breeding ducks received significant precipitation, which increased later breeding efforts and ensured brood survival.

A strong cold front combined with a full moon last week to deliver a noticeable number of new ducks to the Texas coast. Coastal scouts reported seeing pintails, shovelers, redheads and teal on the bays in larger numbers. Duck hunters positioned on the coastal prairies with ponds with water are holding impressive concentrations of puddle ducks and white-fronted geese.

Duck Hunting in Texas - Texas Duck Hunting Reports

East Texas reservoirs are holding teal, gadwall and wigeon in shallow coves and creeks with submergent vegetation, but many access points (boat ramps) have been closed due to low water. The Texas Duck Season and goose season opens on November 5 along with the General White-tailed Deer Hunting Season. Many ponds across Texas are dry, and much of the coastal waters are quite salty, but I suspect hunters that can find any water will have report a strong duck season. Look for creeks with water and rivers full of submergent plants to provide some solid duck hunting this fall.

TPWD Mule Deer Check Stations Announced

With the mule deer hunting season just around the corner, biologists with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department are asking deer hunters and landowners to bring their harvested mule deer to one of the six voluntary mule deer check stations in the Trans-Pecos region on December 3-4 and December 10-11. The voluntary mule deer check stations will be set up during the two weekends in Culberson, Midland, Pecos, Terrell and Brewster counties.

Mule deer harvest data collected at these check stations is used to monitor harvest intensity, herd condition and age structure and to develop revisions in deer hunting regulations. TPWD biologists annually collect mule deer harvest data by management compartment, which include age by tooth wear and replacement, antler measurements and field-dressed body weights.

Mule Deer Hunting in Texas - TPWD Mule Deer Check Stations

“In an effort to improve deer data, increase our knowledge of mule deer harvest intensity on a broader scale, and enhance efficiency, we will be operating voluntary mule deer check stations for the 2011 hunting season in five counties,” said Shawn Gray, TPWD mule deer program coordinator. “These check stations will be located in areas where hunters can conveniently get their harvested mule deer aged, weighed, and measured [for bucks].”

In the Trans-Pecos, more than 14,000 harvested mule deer bucks have been checked since 1980, averaging more than 500 deer each season. In addition, data is also collected from a limited number of harvested does. Successful Texas mule deer hunters can do their part by participating and allowing TPWD staff to collect valuable information.

“This information is essential in monitoring mule deer populations in Texas and making future hunting regulation decisions,” Gray explained. “The success of the check stations will be in large part because of the cooperation of hunters and landowners. TPWD encourages all hunters and landowners hunting these dates to bring their harvested mule deer by a check station this hunting season.”

All voluntary check stations will be open from 9am – 5pm on December 3-4 and December 10-11. Voluntary mule deer check stations will be located at these locations:

  • Van Horn, Culberson County, Van Horn Convention Center – 1801 West Broadway
  • Midland, Midland County, Naturally Fresh (Deer Processor) – 1501 Elwyn, Midland, TX 79701
  • Bakersfield, Pecos County, Chevron Station – south of I-10 (Exit 294)
  • Sanderson, Terrell County, Slim’s Auto Repair – intersection of HWY 90 and 285
  • Alpine, Brewster County, Hip-O Taxidermy – east side of town on HWY 90, across from Dairy Queen Restaurant

Mule deer numbers in Texas have been going up with increased mule deer population management. In addition, some counties have seen the addition of mule deer hunting seasons in recent years. This year has been dry, but hunters focusing on water and food sources should have good luck. Hope to see all you successful hunters bring your deer by one of the six TPWD mule deer check stations this years. It’s almost here!